Friday, September 25, 2020

Current Reading Pleasures--Current Fall Reading

What's on my bed table now?


 Seasoned Timber by Dorothy Canfield, before she added Fisher to her name. This 1939 novel about New England school principal T. C. Hulme is one I reread every few Septembers. If ever a book was rich and plummy, this is it.


My favorite Jane Austen novel, Persuasion, was a must read again after I took the "which Austen character are you" quiz that I saw on a blog friend's blog, wish I could remember which one. When I found that I was Anne Elliot of Persuasion I was entirely comfortable with the result. 

I'm on chapter  9 now and alternating it at night with All That Heaven Allows, the book by Edna and Harry Lee that the movie of the same name was taken from starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson. The book naturally has much more of the story in it than a movie could possibly hold but the movie added some scenes that I simply love. I am particularly fond of good 1950s movies and this is one of my top favorites with its great casting including Agnes Moorehead.  



I have one new book on my bed table, the first of a mystery series by Elly Griffiths recommended to me by my blog friend from The Babbling Brook. 


 I hope I will enjoy this series as much as she does. I can certainly identify with the forensic archaeologist Dr. Ruth Galloway in the first paragraph of Chapter One...

Waking is like rising from the dead. The slow climb out of sleep, shapes appearing out of blackness, the alarm clock ringing like the last trump. Ruth flings out an arm and sends the alarm crashing to the floor, where it carries on ringing reproachfully. Groaning, she lowers herself upright and pulls up the blind.  Still dark. It's just not right, she tells herself, wincing as her feet touch the cold floorboards. Neolithic man would have gone to sleep when the sun set and woken when it rose. What makes us think this is the right way round?...It just wasn't right somehow.

This is all for my week of Current Reading Pleasures. 

 Happy reading, everyone! My new goal is to blog only during the week and take the weekend off so I'll see you next week.