Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Trying to Swing Back Into Blogging

[ad from Ladies' Home Journal June 1951]

It's not easy getting back into blogging after being absent two months but I'm really trying to.

There's been a mental block going on in my head every time I sit down to click on New Post. 

Know what I mean?

But I've missed this little ole space and my friends who met me here so I'll be trying hard this week to do it in between visits to PT. 

I always was afraid to try to swing high when I was young, but it was exciting. I don't think I'm quite ready to let the swing get rusty. Not yet.

So see you soon?


  1. Well, hello and welcome back. I know what you mean about blogging. I also am having a hard time. I've been doing this for so long that I sometimes feel I have nothing new to say. But it is a journal of my life not entertainment for others so I'll just plug along. It's nice to see you back and I love the swinging picture. Wasn't it great as a kid to pump and pump and go as high as you could?

    1. Hi Peggy, I was always afraid of heights so my heart would be in my throat when I got too high. You on the other hand probably were much braver!

  2. Yay, I hope you're back! Don't let that swing get rusty...get on it and fly high, my dear friend. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Melanie! It doesn't take long to get rusty so I'd better hunt up the WD-40!

  3. So glad you are making a comeback! I have found it very difficult to come back after being away. Like you, I miss everyone while I'm gone but I don't miss trying to be creative...lol Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Benita! It's so difficult finding the right balance in life but blogging is one of the fun things I'm not ready to give up.

  4. Glad to see you back dear Dewena! Blogging is fun for me also and a way to keep connected with friends interested in the same things. I get inspired, encouraged, etc. I've been blogging since Sept. 2008, time is zipping right along.

    Happy living each day ~ FlowerLady

    1. Since 2008, Lorraine? I didn't even discover blogs until 2011, and then a year later I got into the fun of it.

      I love how you signed off above, "happy living each day"!

  5. It's always good to see you back, Dewena! I've been swinging back and forth about blogging, just as I used to swing on that hot, black rubber seated swing at the playground when I was a child. Do I keep blogging? How can I NOT keep blogging?! I always come back:)

    1. Thank you, Karen, and you've hit the nail on the head--How can we not keep blogging? It truly is a gift to be able to do this, and to meet people from all over the world.

  6. ohhh, good to see you back. I know the feeling - getting back into the swing of things after being gone awhile. I loved to swing high - probably still would if I could find a big enough swing, lol

    1. Thank you, Sandy! Isn't that strange, to feel afraid about getting back to something you love so much? And now that I've come back once again I just wish I had much more time to really indulge in this love.

  7. I never thought I'd stop blogging, but it happened, and the culprit? Instagram! I've posted about it, so I won't get into it again, here, but I know that you are not tempted to be lured away from your swing in Blogland, which is still ever so gently swaying side to side, from the last time you were on it, metal chain sparkling in the sun, and no rust in sight!


    1. Poppy, I love your Instagram posts! You and our kids posting on IG are the reason I go there and spend way too much time looking and loving. But, I repeat BUT I so very much want to see Poppy View with new posts up too!

    2. Hello my friend! Ha! What are the chances of both of us meeting here at Across the Way at the same time?! Thank you for your enthusiasm re: poor Poppy View; you are not the first blogger friend who has asked for new posts. I will certainly try and get something up, soon, but between Instagram and summer here on the island, it is challenging.

      Hope you are having a wonderful day, out there, Across the Way!

      P.S Am in the process of replying to our emails. Hope to get it out asap.

    3. I understand, Poppy, I never get caught up. Have spent the last 2 hours trying to and now must leave the rest for later and get up and pay attention to my dogs and my house!

      Love you!

  8. I missed your blog although I understand how difficult it is to find the time to write. There are so many different sorts of blogs and readers that choosing a topic can be a challenge. I'm more partial to books, daily living and slow travel as I get older. The best part of blogging is finding that there are "kindred spirits" all over the world.

    1. Thank you, Madame, and I love viewing your book and daily living posts and also love to do my armchair traveling through your eyes and experiences. I too am thankful for "kindred spirits!"
