Monday, August 27, 2018

It Takes Faith, Or A Love of Trees

It does take a lot of faith to plant trees in your seventh decade. 

And it takes a lot of gumption.

And it takes a love of trees.

And if you love spring flowering trees you want a pear tree...

And white crabapples.

To such a person, birthdays are of little hindrance.

And there's always birthday cake for a reward.

And your favorite Center Point barbecue with all the sides.

And a daughter-in-law who instinctively knows that it all tastes better when served in pretty bowls--her mother-in-law actually took more notice of that than the men present but it made a big impression on her.

And she was so grateful for the birthday celebration to take place there as the men had worked hard all day finishing up the new kitchen floor at her own house, the living room still filled with kitchen appliances and cabinets.

Leaving it all behind for the peace and serenity of The Farmhouse restored our equanimity.

See what I mean?

Of course there were a few disturbances at the party from the birthday boy and his great-grandson...

But that's what birthdays are for. 

Maybe the little one has inherited a love of trees.