Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter and Mama

This was not Mama's Easter dress. 

This was not even a Sunday morning go to church dress.

It was a fun dress, a party dress, a date dress, and she lent it to me my junior year when I wore it to the Letter Banquet. It swished when I walked.

Mama's Easter dresses were more subdued, usually with a jacket.

Many years it was navy in color.

And rarely was it one she had made herself because she had four other Easter outfits to sew, one each for me and my three younger sisters.

There probably were some hems to finish late Saturday night, but she wasn't terribly late to bed because she was so naturally organized.

Daddy gave the Easter Bunny help with our Easter baskets so she didn't ever have to fool with that. And our corsages were always Daddy's domain. 

But there were those four outfits to have ready, four pair of new shoes and dressy socks--or stockings when we were older. New purses (with an offering in them) and sometimes little hats for us, always hats for her when I was very young, a few with short veils.

Easter dinner was planned and partially prepared, dessert and homemade rolls made a day or two ahead, the dining room ready.

Breakfast was usually simple on Easter morning because it took time for three little girls, and later one more, to look at their Easter baskets and then get dressed. Daddy had often been up early to go to Sunrise Service first but he kept an eye on us when we were all dressed and ready while Mama finally had time to get herself ready. 

I remember one year as a young teenager waiting in the car with him and my three sisters, the car motor running, Daddy tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, all of our eyes on the back door waiting for Mama to appear. 

When she did he told her that she looked beautiful--he always did--and then we sped down the driveway headed for Sunday School and church.

I thought about Mama a lot today (Saturday), about all those early years. She's in her 90s now, living in Florida where my two sisters watch over her. She knows them most of the time, not always. But that's okay, they know her. 

Here we are, Mama. 

All ready for church in brand new handmade dresses. 

We sure had Daddy outnumbered, didn't we?

Thank you for all the pretty dresses, Mama...💗

Mama not only was an amazing seamstress, she had a real love of fabric--oh, that fabric collection!

I remember many favorite dresses Mama made me, but this one was extra special. It just felt good on my skin and it was in my favorite color. I'm in the purple dress in the middle and it was really about the shade of the purple border, not faded purple like the faded photograph. 

My sisters' dresses look white but they were probably pretty pastels. Mama's dress looks white too but it's probably not.

And something weird is going on with all our noses in this photograph but I can truthfully say that we all had very pretty noses. Scout's honor.

And we look so solemn. 

Easter was always solemn. It was different from other Sundays at church, kind of like a spiritual New Year's Day. 

But oh it was glorious! With music and message to make our hearts soar. 

Daddy loved Easter hymns so much although I don't remember him ever singing in the choir, don't remember if he could even carry a tune. 

Now he sings with the angels.

How glorious that music must be!

Happy Easter to all.

He is risen;

He is risen, indeed!