Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Food Therapy, Blog Therapy


My last post here was in October. It's now three hours until midnight on New Year's Eve and I'm squeezing in one post of 2024 that is basically one more post on blog therapy, food therapy. 

I'm turning off comments here because I'm linking to my post at my other blog, Dewena's Window, where I wrote the story of our losing our dear dachshund James Mason, not bearing to go through it all again here. And not to ask for comments here.

In other words, this is just a short food therapy/blog therapy post as I wrote about in October.

Christmas Eve was spaghetti, salad and french bread, comfort food that needs no recipe, made for decades but hopefully improved over time.

Christmas Morn Breakfast, RH version--my standby buttermilk waffles, an egg and country sausage.

Christmas Morn Breakfast, Dewena version, country sausage, my buttermilk waffles to which I've added James Beard's ingredients for Spiced Waffles:

1 scant teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon allspice
sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg
plus 3 tablespoons sugar, which I left out
a good sprinkle of golden raisins, my idea

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Pardon My Therapy


Two posts in one day? I don't think I've ever done that but this is mainly a blatant attempt not to let some of my October 2024 pictures go to waste. Food pictures, at least. I'll forget about all the garden pictures I took this summer and fall.

Apologetically, I admit it is also an attempt to make time for the creative outlet of blogging. I don't have time to blog because I am so slow at just doing the basics of living these days but I think I really need to create something other than trying to check off my to do list and scribbling away at night on six books that will never be published.

And so, as self-help therapy, here is an October breakfast.

Scrambled eggs with fresh dill from my kitchen porch, cheese grits with jalapeƱo from the porch pots and lime juice, toasted cream biscuits made two days before--I had extra cream left in the fridge and tried this recipe for the first time. My son said they were almost like a cookie--our son in the first picture with his two darling daughters at a Daddy-Daughter Dance. Won't be replacing my buttermilk biscuit recipe but they were interesting.

Beer-braised Roast Beef from an old Bon Appetit recipe, found here at an old post at my other blog. at https://dewenaswindow.blogspot.com/2020/02/a-perfect-day-for.html. 

There was homemade mashed potatoes, for once not microwave ones, and broccoli Julia Child, Vol. 1. Basically reducing lemon juice till thickened then whisking in butter a tablespoon at a time, S & P. 

Leftover meat and gravy from this roast makes the very best vegetable-beef soup.

And there was the Chicken Tetrazzini I made one day.

Served on my wedding china for our 63rd anniversary. I've made hundreds of this casserole over the decades and it's a family favorite with two of our sons. I even used cream this time but RH and I finished our meal and decided to call our firstborn and see if he wanted the rest of it. He came and got it and they declared it wonderful. This is the story of so many of our old favorite meals; we just don't like them anymore. The sad thing about this is that with no leftovers I had to cook again the next night. 

There was Guinness extra stout in the roast beef and also in the dessert for this meal--brownies! Very good recipe from Yankee magazine but I couldn't find a link. 


And then there was this delicious Spice Applesauce Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting in one of my Lee Bailey cookbooks. RH took some of it to his brother and we gave more to our son and this was left for us. We had a slice every night until the last crumb was gone. 

In Alexandra Stoddard's The Art of the Possible she talks about Dr. Richard Totman's idea of a "blocked action." Stoddard says "whenever we become stuck...an overwhelming sense of hopelessness takes over. When we are unable to initiate and carry through activities that express our aliveness, it causes stress. This stress then upsets our chemical balance, weakening the immune system. It is not how much life stress we have, but how we manage it that determines our health."

Something to think about as part of my therapy.

Tiny Toys


Tiny toys. How I treasure them. 

This vintage (?) Jack-o'- lantern stole my heart and I cried when RH accidentally knocked him off and broke one leg. Now he sits in a safer place above my kitchen sink and after Halloween is over moves to a dresser in my bedroom, year round.

Can you spot BreeBree outside the window just above Jack? The dachshund salt and pepper shakers were a gift from Court years ago, more tiny treasures.

Here's two more tiny toys that live in my kitchen year round.

I don't know why I love them so much. 

I know the Good Book says to put away childish things when you become a man, but after all, I'm a woman. 

A woman who loves tiny toys. Maybe because I never had a dollhouse? 

Happy Halloween! to anyone who happens to drop in on my practically abandoned Across the Way.

Dracula wishes you a Happy Halloween and says you're the treat to his trick!

(And he was in my Halloween card from daughter Christy years ago. I save everything.)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Things Left Too Late


There they were, perfect pears from Whole Foods. A name I don't remember, red pears I've never before seen. Three came home with me before Christmas but I waited on the perfect vignette to photograph them.

RH ate two. He said they were delicious.

 "Don't eat the third one," I said. "I want to get a picture of it."

A few days went by and I finally photographed it, without a pretty vignette.

Then I sliced it open.

Things left too late. The story of my life.

Here's another one.

I snapped up this beautiful book by Rebecca West at the Goodwill called 1900. It was fabulous, all about the year 1900.

Beautiful pictures all through the book. I took dozens of pictures of the pages for a blog post. 

I got on a Rebecca West obsession and ordered more. For a Rebecca West blog post.

They were wonderful! I ordered more.

My stomach became a little queasy reading one of them. I tried to excuse it because it was just a product of it's time. One can't hold the books of an earlier time to political correctness but the racial stereotypes and antisemitism bothered me. 

I could still make this into a blog post, couldn't I?

But Rebecca West paled on me. I decided to postpone her until after the holidays. 

Now I just don't want to write that intended blogpost. 

I've been cleaning out my bookcases of books I don't truly love or need.

And Rebecca West just does not make the cut. She's going in the Goodwill bag. 

I'm not sure if I left her too late or if she just left a bad taste in my mind.


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dragon-Sitting and Donating Books


These pictures are a few months old, meant to show a stack of books to be donated that I no longer wanted to take up valuable bookshelf space. 

And the dragon atop the books came to visit me after he appeared on my son's YouTube channel as an optical illusion. (I suppose he would be called a Mona Lisa effect illusion where the eyes continue to stare at you?) 

Here's a link to my son's channel showing the illusion.

I won't be able to see if the link works until it publishes but I hope it works for you. If it does, isn't that a weird optical illusion?

If you have a husband or son or grandson who is into odd technical devices like geiger counters, I know my son would welcome new subscribers. Of course I subscribe simply to see my son's hands show his latest acquisition and listen to the current music he's chosen. He has always loved classical music. 

Anyway, I couldn't understand what I was seeing and he brought the dragon to visit one day, forgot it when he left and I continued to dragon-sit until the next visit. 

And now to a quick, I promise, glimpse of the books that aren't getting a permanent space on my shelves.

Do you recognize any that you might have read?

Let's start with one I thought was superbly written, La's Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith.

While I love McCall Smith, it is only his Isabel Dalhousie mysteries set in Edinburgh that I collect and keep. This book was set in England in World War II and what impressed me about it was that the author wrote the book convincingly as someone from that era would have. Most of the time historical romance is so obviously written by someone of the future trying to be of that time period. It must be very hard to pull off, I've tried it, but McCall Smith does it so naturally. 

Are You Hungry, Dear? by the inimitable Doris Roberts was a fun and interesting and sometimes sad read of her life and favorite recipes. I guess I will always think of her as Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond who has an opinion on everything and isn't shy about letting the world know it. 

But did you know that she was married to author William Goven? I didn't until I read her book and strangely enough, on a visit to Goodwill after reading it, his name leaped out at me in the book section. I love reading published letters of celebrities lives and this book was Selected Letters from a Writer's Life. 

I admit I gave up halfway through and just skipped ahead to his marriage to Doris. Actually, I don't think I ever finished one of his novels. These both went to Goodwill for someone to discover. 

Not going to even mention the rest of the books in the donate stack. I'm sure that the fault of them not clicking with me is simply because I love old books better than most contemporary ones. 

I did donate this old book though, even though it was rare online. Perhaps a reseller will pounce on it.

Earl Derr Biggers was the author of the Charlie Chan mysteries that I remember seeing in black and white television in my youth. And then Charlie Chan seemed to disappear, evidently because he became thought of as portraying stereotypical roles that were rightly no longer tolerated. 

There, that's fairly short, isn't it? For me?

Monday, January 29, 2024

What I should be doing is not always what I do.

 I should be doing so many things right now other than an admittedly boring food blogpost. I set out ingredients earlier to bake cookies but haven't started yet. Instead, I started changing things around in my kitchen and then my bedroom and then the dining area of our great room. 

And then I came to a stopping point, needing RH to come home and help me with some of the heavy stuff--a large picture to move from the dining area to my bedroom, the upper open shelf in the kitchen for him to clean and move things around on like I had done the lower shelf. There are things sitting on my counters, the dining table has hammer, nails, dust cloths and polish sitting on it and a few final Christmas things I took down and need to be stored, the laundry  basket sitting in a chair by the dining table waiting for the table to be cleared so I can fold white things, the vacumn pulled out on the floor for him to use it on the top of a large armoir, a stepladder waiting for him to climb. And now he's home and wants to wait until tomorrow for his honey-do list. 

So I'm sitting down to rest and wanting to change a blog post here at Across the Way that has not been changed since December 9, that's December 9. 

And everything I wanted to blog on requires this little thing or that little thing to finish up first. So I am going to dump on my poor few readers one of the many food posts that I never got around to posting. And it's a ham based menu at that, Ham, on readers who include vegetarians and people who probably never fix ham because they always blog such beautiful healthy meals. 

All I can say is, please, please, please don't feel as if you have to comment, not even my faithful few who still come here. You are totally excused! This is just for my own family because we love ham. Or at least some of us do. About every three months RH buys one at Costco and we have ham and vegetables, and ham and eggs for breakfast, and ham sandwiches, and the ham bone goes in the freezer for flavoring dried beans.

And then the last scraps of ham go into a ham and potato casserole. And it is delicious!

I don't have a written down recipe but I cook the potatoes first in a pot till tender and slice them and it has sliced onions and milk and cheese and pepper and whatnot in it.

I serve braised cabbage with it.

And this particular time I had cranberry sauce in the fridge.

And that small bowl to the left was Silver Palate's Pineapple Bake, a bread pudding that is so good with ham.

Here's a link I found to the recipe that shows how simple the recipe is.

And I might as well include the recipe from Food & Wine that I use for ham broth that I make from the ham bone to flavor dried beans. Maybe you can read it if you're interested.

It's kind of fun to make, just as is any stock. At least I always feel thrifty and housewifely when I make my own stock. 

Now if tomorrow I can finish up all those little projects I started today. Anyone else ever do that? Oh I forgot, you're not supposed to leave a comment on this one!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

A Christmas Mystery: Corpus Christmas by Margaret Maron


I enjoy the Christmas novels of my favorite mystery writers, none more than this 1989 one by Margaret Maron who wrote mysteries from the 1980s to her last one in 2017. Do you know her work? This sentence alone from a speech she once gave should tell you why I'm a fan:

"From the beginning, I loved language, I loved words, I loved the tricks that you could play with them." (Margaret Maron)

Maron's mysteries are the proof of that, especially those of one of her two strong women sleuths, Sigrid Harald of the NYPD.

While Louise Penny's mysteries are top shelf in this bookcase, Margaret Maron's take up the entire second shelf, the hardbacks on the left about Maron's other sleuth, Deborah Knott (Judge Knott--get it?) of North Carolina, and the paperbacks on the left that are about Lieutenant Sigrid Harald.

Corpus Christmas is a beautifully written, complex novel of a mystery that weaves together the fascinating story of a family home of the late 1800s to early 1900s that is currently an art museum of works collected in Europe by the family's son, and site of where the murder takes place, along with the story of Sigrid Harald, the investigating officer, and Oscar Nauman, described as "an artist of his own time and one who isn't afraid to leave the loose ends." 

While Sigrid's art appreciation belongs with pictures that look like what they are--as in the oil painting above that sits on my living room floor during the Christmas season (a story there) that my Aunt Teenie painted for us over 50 years ago--the older man Oscar Nauman is of the persuasion that "the high purpose of art is to remind us that something is always left undone."

Just as all the words in my beautiful old Webster Universal two volume dictionary weave together a language, Corpus Christmas uses beautiful words to weave together the story of the art world of the 1800s and the 1980s and the family life of a comfortably situated New York family from the past with the unfolding modern romance of two very different people.

This murder mystery, the ending of which was a complete surprise to me, is as pretty as the old Polish Fantasia Fish Scale ornaments I've collected for years.

Leaving one only to wonder how the relationship between the very confident self-assured Oscar and the very reticent reserved Sigrid will end.

Ah, only the last book in the series will tell.